Adorning the historic walls of Simpson’s in the Strand is the work of Zoom Rockman, a young British satirical cartoonist who has been named as the latest Artist in Residence at Simpson’s. Known for his distinctive cartoon style, Rockman has created a series of six illustrations showing Sir Winston Churchill in his favoured locations within the historic building.
With his sharp illustrations and quick wit, Rockman’s career began aged 12 with a publication in The Beano, and now is a regular contributor to Private Eye as the youngest ever cartoonist in the magazine’s history. He has accrued many a recognition, including being named as one of the most influential Londoners under 25 by The Evening Standard, and has become a Young Ambassador for the world’s biggest arts charity, The Big Draw. Now, he has been welcomed into Simpson’s in the Strand for yet another exciting project.
Simpson’s in the Strand has a proud heritage filled with world renown historical figures, amongst which includes Sir Winston Churchill. To celebrate this eminent patron, Rockman has created a series of anecdotal illustrations depicting Churchill’s fondness for the Simpson’s in the Strand. As well as capturing the iconic image of Churchill with a cigar poised between his lips, Rockman has focused on Churchill’s political idols and rivals, showing them engaged in conversation within the spectacular setting of Simpson’s in the Strand.
Rockman describes the pleasures of his new role as Artist in Residence at Simpson’s in the Strand:
“'It’s hard to describe how much being Artist in Residence at Simpson’s in the Strand means to me. It is an honour and a privilege to be linked with such a historic setting. Walking in to the Grand Divan for the first time was like stepping into a dream: I had no idea that places like this even existed. It is easy to imagine Churchill sitting at his table, smoking a cigar.”
Rockman’s illustrations blend the treasures of Simpson’s cultural history with his contemporary talent to create a truly outstanding set of artwork to celebrate some of the defining moments of Simpson’s in the Strands history.